Dealing with insecurities

We all have insecurities and many will not share them because it is too private.
I do have some that I will not share with other people but I will share with one that I have and how God will help me.
I have insecurities about doing activities with people. I always try to think of something to do with people but I can never figure that out.  A good case is today. I wanted to see a Mariner's game but it was last minute. I get frustrated at my lack of planning with people and by myself.
I get happy when I help people out because I am with someone. I am friends with the people that I serve with or have helped and then planned stuff with them.
It happens by me saying, that I want to do something with them but I don't know what or how and then they have a plan. I have always been that way.
I have gotten a little better but not much.
I lack wisdom in this area and I should not because I will be 41 this year but I lack wisdom and knowledge in this area.
James 1:5 says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."
I know that I am a little different but I am sure this may help someone. I have some insecurities.


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