What won't be in Heaven?
No death, no suffering. No funeral homes, abortion clinics or psychiatric wards. No rape, missing children or drug rehabilitation centers. No bigotry, no mugging or killings. No worry or depression or economic downturns. No war, no unemployment. No anguish over failure and miscommunication. No con man. No lock. No death. No mourning. No pain. No boredom. No arthritis, no handicaps, no cancer, no taxes, no bills, no computer crashes, no weeds, no bombs, no drunkenness, no traffic jams and accidents, no septic-tank backups. No mental illness. No hate mail from social media. Close friendships but no cliques, laughter but no put-downs. Intimacy but no temptation to immorality. No hidden agendas, no backroom deals, no betrayals. Imagine mealtimes full of stories, laughter and joy, without fear of insecurity, inappropriate behavior, anger, gossip, lust, jealousy, hurt feelings or anything that eclipses joy. That will be Heaven. There won't be churches or temples in the new universe, ...