Won't Heaven be boring?

If you picture the eternal Heaven as a disembodied state, you have reason to fear boredom-because God didn't make us for such a world. But when you understand the meaning of our bodily resurrection and the new universe, all thought of boredom will disappear.
The New Earth will be a place where the impulses to come home and to launch out into a new adventure will both be fully satisfied. It'll be a place where we're constantly discovering- where everything is always fresh and possession of a thing is as good as the pursuit of it. Yet it's the place where we'll be fully at home-where everything is ought to be and where we find, undiminished, that mysterious something we never fully found in this life.
We will no longer be homesick for Eden. We will experience at last all that God intends for us. Because the joys of Heaven will overflow from the multifaceted wonders of God, Heaven will be endlessly fascinating, just as God is infinitely fascinating.
Will we ever tire of praising God? Augustine said, "We shall not be wearied by the praise of God, nor by his love. If your love should fail, so would your praise; but if love will be everlasting, because the beauty of God will be uncloying, inexhaustible, fear not that you will lack power ever to praise him, whom you will have power ever to love."



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