We can be known and serve with this Man!

There are countries when a leader gets elected then that person will pick their team to help to them rule. I live in the United States. Obama was elected as president and he pick his team to rule the United States and Trump did the same.
The future will bring a great Leader. Jesus was come to take over the world. He will rule this world and His followers will rule this world then heaven and earth will combine.
The followers of Jesus will rule with Jesus.
The great news is that Jesus does not need us but want us to rule with Him.
That is like a person getting elected and picking someone to help them but Jesus does not need help.
Mankind brags what they do but without the Lord, the person can't do anything.
God is calling people to now Him. Have you received the text and replied?

Revelation 1:6
and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.


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