Are you lonely?

I think the culture have a lot of lonely people so we look to others to satisfy our feelings. There is nothing wrong with dating, marriage or friendship but we forget about the Lord. Hebrews 13:5 says, "I will never leave you or abandon you." We need to talk to the Lord and follow him.
I will get personal now. I can't explain it other then this way. When I lay on my bed, I want to talk to someone. So I talk to God because I have no one to talk to. I believe that many people neglect that.
I can feel alone when I am with other people. There is a gospel singer called Rich Mullins that said that he felt lonely and it was okay.
Instead of talking to people, I will read the book of Psalms. King David wrote love songs to God and it showed the desire of the Lord in music and words. 
I feel lonely a lot of times so I write love songs to God. No person can cure my condition only Jesus.
There are many times that I go to Mariner's game by myself and I am okay with that because God is always with me.
I will get more personal, if nothing changes in my life, God will be my comfort and best friend.
I don't know about dating in the future but I am dating the Lord now.  I know that one day, I will have perfect unity with God because of the cross.
If a person don't handle loneliness well then bad mistakes happen. A person could go on many dates and give their hearts to people they should not to or rush into marriage. I need to add this point.
I know many people that date that put that as their idol. They still can date but have God as number one. People can rush into marriage and bad things happen when that happen.
People can shack up together and that is bad. God don't want sex outside of marriage. The Bible says to guard your heart. Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."
I know some of you don't agree with me but that is okay. 
This my personal blog and I hope my life in Jesus will help you grow. I really don't want advice because I am doing what God wants for me. God is guiding me and he will give me what I need for this day. I want to depend on friendship with God. Many times, I feel lonely even if people are around me but God takes away my lonely feeling.
I long for the day when I go to heaven and be with the Lord. I know that the Lord will give me friends and I cherish them but the Lord is my number one. I am open to be friends with people and God will grow my relationship with people according to his will. I want to love God with all my mind, soul and body. He is the great provider.
Again, I don't want advice but I hope that my honest helps you. My friend encouraged me to write this.



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