Life that is never boring

I like to have a purpose and plan but at the same time, I want to be random. I ask the Lord to lead me and change things up. I have not experienced somethings and the older that I get, if the right door opens then I will go to that door.
Many times, I don't know how to begin something but the Lord directs my steps. Again, I can be random and crazy. I love Proverbs 16:9. Proverbs 16:9 says, "A man’s heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps."
I have many ideas in my head. I see there is a chance then I go forward. I think that I am doing it but the Lord is directing my steps. This is hard to explain.

I have been bored and have other emotions so I think the Lord is doing something. God doesn't write in sky for the next move but he put desires in my heart. I don't know where to begin in life so I read the Bible and see what are Biblical ideas. Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path." When I align with the Bible then my life is great.
I know that there are thing out there that God will give me but I need to take it day at time. One day leads to another. 
I am focusing on my relationship with my friends and wanting a deeper relationship with people. 
In the past, I was not a great planing because I was random but God is helping me in this area.
I know God will bring people in my life to open new horizon in my life. God uses people to focus on what I need to next. It is important to have friends that are seeking the Lord and encourage you. But my greatest friendship is with my Lord Jesus.
I am pumped up about the next day because it will be a great curve ball and I am okay with that.


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