About kissing, my thoughts

I have my thoughts on kissing and I don't think that my is very common. I see many unmarried couples kissing all the time so they will not agree with me.
I was researching a topic in a book in the Bible called Song of Songs. The big picture is the relationship with God and his church and secondly, showing the love between Solomon and his wife.
I saw this verse. Song of songs 2:7 says, "Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires."
The unmarried couple may like each other greatly at that time during kissing but they are opening their emotions up. If something doesn't work out then they gave up their first kiss.
How cool it would be if you married someone that wanted to kiss you on your wedding day.
A person that kisses before that day is giving that up.
I think that wanting for the first kiss on the wedding day shows love. People can hold hands and hug but don't kiss in my view point.
I am a little crazy but that is my thought for today. I believe that people should not kiss until the wedding day. A former runner back of the Seahawks did that and his wife loved him for that.
I found that his action was very romantic.  


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