Had a busy Sunday and laugh about the future

I have been busy all day. I went to church and helped with church in the morning. It is fun to serve God and people.I did somethings at church and I have some good conversations at church.
 Hebrews 10:25 says, "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."
The world's system beats me up and it is nice to feel comfort.
We had a Fun day and it was great. There was great food. I played dodge ball and volleyball.
There was a family that came back from their trip and they have cute kids.
I was happy to play volleyball until one of their girls wanted to play with me so I wanted to play with her.
They have a have a cute baby girl so I wanted to hold her. I held that little girl for an hour while having a dog to watch. 
When I was holding the baby, I thought babies are really beautiful. I used to bad with kids and now kids wants me to play with them and hold them.
I got attached to the baby. I don't know if I ever have kids or be married but I am more drawn to kids more than ever. Only God knows what will happen in the future.
I would go crazy if I didn't pray so I went to the prayer meeting. I have many desires that I will not say to anyone to God so I lifted that thoughts to God and see what he will do.
That was my day. If you are a believer, spend time with other believers.
I am getting really personal now. My last note is that I am feeling that I am missing something but I don't know what it is after today. So God will be faithful and he will guide me.


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