How to work in life?

This is my personal blog. We all have our thoughts on work and much of them are negative.
We wake up early and get pretty. We head off to work and get tired and then clean the house when we get home.
People always say that if they get paid more then they will work harder.
I like my job but I get tired from working sometimes and people are not always easy to get along with.
I deal with the public and I need to bit my tongue and feel not wanted. I still work because there is something outside of this world.
Colossians  3:23-24 says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."
I am not an perfect worker but I put my soul and heart in my job. I am not working for my customers or boss but for Jesus. When I honor the Lord at work, I am getting an double pay check.
I am getting a pay check from the Lord which is forever money and a temporal check from my job.
A person can tell what type person is by how they work. I want people to see my good work at my job and praise Jesus for my work ethic.
I need to say this. There is no perfect job so be happy with your job. If you are tired of your tired then ask the Lord to guide you.
I hope my personal life helps you out.


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