Better with age

I love it when someone in there 20's say that they don't want to 40 years old because they need a walker. I think that life begins in their 40's, I am living proof of this.
I will be honest, I have lost some of my hair but I have kept my fitness. I gained a little weight in my 30's but I desired to get back at my 20's weight and build and I did it with the help of the Lord.
The older a person gets, they need to watch what they eat but that makes a person more healthy.
I am eating really healthy now and I feel that I am in my 20's.
I have became a listener and I am a better friend. I was a bad listener when I was younger but God has helped me to be an okay listener.
I have the best job that I ever had and I am a better worker than when I was in my 20's.
God will change a person morals so they will have work ethic.
I am a late bloomer in many social areas of life. I was really a big loner in my 20's and a little rough in the social scene. If you think that I am rough now, I was rougher in the 1990's.
I know that I am a little different but I am glad that God made me this way.
I think that I look better in my 40's than when I was in my 30's. So a person can be attractive as they age.
I am getting better with money and I wish that I knew this 10 years ago. A person sees how faithful God is so a person becomes more free with money. God will be the great provider.
I have stronger friendship now than I was in my 20's. God has brought people that love me as me and my personality. I really don't have a filter but they say love me.
For me, as I get older, I am getting better with kids. Kids sort of like me 20 years ago but I am a lot better with kids now. Kids hang off me now.
Here is my message to all the young people. Follow the Lord and greatness will happen.
My goals are to love God and people. I will work hard at work and do good with my money and the rest will fall in place. I don't want will fall in place but I open my hands and heart to the Lord.
The Lord always throw a good curve ball.
2 Corinthians 3:18 says, "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."


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