Chester Bennington, myself and suicide

I will go really deep into a personal event in my life. I will go on a detour so I will be talking about Chester Bennington, the great singer from Linkin Park. He killed himself and I don't know the reason for this action in his life. I hoped that he knew the Lord Jesus.
I could have been Chester Bennington when I was in my teenager years. I know the feeling of being hopeless. I had no friends and no hope in life. I was a big time loner. My father caused hurt in my life and my parents were going through a divorce and my mom was moving to Seattle.
I felt a deep sadness and felt life was pointless and I give up on life.
I told my mom that I wanted to end my life and she sent me to a teen help clinic for a month and I missed a couple weeks of school. I was away from a month and a half. I saw teenagers more messed up then me. I thought about how selfish that I would be if I would killed myself.
I wanted to kill the sorrow that was in my soul. I thought suicide was the way out but I still killed that old life without killing myself physically.
I was looking into every spiritual idea for a couple of years. I read about Islam, Atheism, Buddhism and other ideas. These ideas were so empty.
I made a friendship with a person that was very happy. He invited me to church.
I will share this verse for you. If you want to kill yourself don't, kill the sinful nature and accept Jesus. Romans 8:12-13 says, " Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation—but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it.  For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live."
I began going to church and read the Bible because God was drawing me to Himself.
After a few months, I accepted Jesus and I have trusted in Him since then.
I am thankful that God saved me so I didn't killed myself. The news of Chester Bennington is sad but you don't have to kill yourself but kill your sinful nature with Jesus so you will have a new life without causing pain in your family. 


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