What will our relationship with God be like in heaven?
We are wired to have relationships. I am the first that I am not the best at them and can't spell the word "date." With all the said, I will talk about the relationship with God and his believers. The relationship with Jesus is the most important relationship. The thought of seeing God is shocking and almost blasphemous to anyone who understand the Old Testament teaching on the transcendence and inapproachability of God (Exodus 33:18-23). To see God's face as the sinners we are, is unthinkable. Yet, Revelation 22:4 says of God's resurrected people on the New Earth, "They will see his face." This means that something radical must have happened to us by then. It is only because we will be fully righteous in Christ, standing in our resurrected bodies, untainted by sin, that we will be able to see God and live. To see God will be our greatest joy. Not only will we see his face and live-we will likely wonder if we ever lived before we saw his face! Old-sc...