What will we do for all eternity?

At death, the human spirit leaves the body (Ecclesiastes 12:7). We go either to Heaven or Hell (Luke 16:22-31). As told in the history of the rich man and Lazarus-and affirmed by Christ when he tells the thief he will be with him in paradise "today" (Luke 23:43)-there is immediate conscious existence after death, both in Heaven and Hell (2 Corinthians 5:8; Revelation 6:9-11; Philippians 1:23).
Both in the intermediate Heaven and on the New Earth, we'll find our greatest pleasure in God. We'll worship and thank him as we see him revealed in the wonders of creation, including our fellow creatures.
Furthermore, incredible though it may seem, God has decided that we're actually going to help him run the universe (Luke 19:11-27)! He will give us renewed minds and bodies so that we will be whole people, full of energy and vision, eager to undertake new project for God's glory and our enrichment.
We'll reign with Christ over the New Earth, where we'll exercise leadership and authority, making important decisions. This implies specific, delegated responsibilities for those under our leadership, as well as specific responsibilities given to us (Luke 19:17-19). We will set goals, devise plans, and share ideas. Our best workdays on Earth-when everything turns out better than we planned when everything's done on time, when everyone on team pulls together and enjoys each other-are just a foretaste of the joy our work will bring us in Heaven.
In Heaven, we'll rest (Revelation 14:13). We know what it means to rest. And to want to rest (Hebrews 4:10-11). We will serve Christ there, working for his glory. We know what it means to work. And to want to work. We will work without any of the painful toil came with the Curse, which will be forever lifted (Revelation 22:3).   


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