What will we look like in Heaven?

Jesus had a physically resurrected body that allowed Him to walk, talk and eat (John 21:1-14; Luke 24:36-43). We're told that our bodies will be like His (1 Corinthians 15:20, 48-49; Philippians 3:21; 1 John 3:2).
After His resurrection, Jesus invited the disciples to touch Him and said, "Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost {disembodied spirit} does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have" (Luke 24:39).
Christ's physically resurrected body is the model for our resurrected bodies on the resurrected Earth. After our resurrection, we will not be ghosts; we will be physical human beings. Many people believe we will live for a thousand years on the old Earth (Revelation 20:1-7). But even those who disagree on whether the Millennium should be understood literally agree that we will live forever, after the final rebellion and judgement, in resurrected bodies on the New Earth (Revelation 21-22).
When God speaks of our having "new bodies," do we shrug our bodies and say,  "I can't imagine what a new body would be like"? Of course not. We know what a body is-we've had one all of our lives-and we can remember when it looked better! We can image a new body, without pain and weakness. We are not past our peak-we will be raised to a new life and a new body on a New Earth, all beyond our biggest dreams.
In our resurrected bodies, we will be as physical as we are now. After the New Earth is established and we are relocated there, we will be forever physical but no longer subject to sin, death, suffering and the Curse (Revelation 21:4).
Christ is a carpenter. Carpenters not only create things; they also fix things that need repair. Do our bodies, minds and attitudes need fixing? He's going to fix us. He's going to fix the universe itself.
Don't underestimate God's plan and Christ's redemptive work. He created us, our bodies and the earth. And He has not given upon on us, our bodies or the earth. He's committed to repairing them... permanently.


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