Will we know everything when we get to heaven?

God alone is omniscient.
God sees clearly and comprehensively. In Heaven, we will see things with clarity (1 Corinthians 13:12). But we will never see comprehensively. We will know much more than we do now, but we will never know everything because we will never be God.
In Heaven we'll be without flaws, but not knowing everything isn't a flaw. It's part of being finite. Angels don't know everything and they long to know more (1 Peter 1:12. They are flawless but finite. Shouldn't we expect to long for greater knowledge, just as angels do?
We'll spend eternity gaining the greater knowledge we'll seek. God puts us in the heavenly realms "in order that in the coming age he might show the incomparable riches of his grace" (Ephesians 2:6-7).
This means that God will be revealing himself to us throughout eternity.
That seems to clearly indicate we will learn in Heaven. When we enter Heaven, we will presumably begin with the knowledge we had at the time of our death.
God may correct and enhance our knowledge. I imagine that he will reveal new things to us and set us on a course of eternal learning. Once we're in our resurrected bodies with resurrected brains, our capacity to learn greatly increase.
Jesus said to his disciples, "Learn from me" (Matthew 11:29). I frequently learn new things about my friends, family and co-workers even though I've known them for many years. If I can always be learning something new about finite, limited humans beings, surely I'll learn far more about our all-knowing and Almighty Creator. None of us will ever begin to exhaust his depths!



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