If people in Heaven are aware of bad things happening on earth, how could it really be Heaven?

Many blogs maintain that those in Heaven cannot be aware of people and events on earth because they presumably would be made unhappy by all the suffering and evil-making Heaven something less than Heaven.
I believe this argument is invalid. After all, God knows exactly what's happening on earth, yet Heaven is not diminished by that knowledge. Likewise, the angels know what's happening on earth, yet they enjoy Heaven. In fact, the angels see the torment of Hell but it doesn't negate their joy in God's presence (Revelation 14:10). Abraham and Lazarus saw the rich man's agonies in Hell but it didn't cause Paradise to cease to Paradise (Luke 16:23-26). I'm not suggesting we will see into Hell, but these passages surely prove that nothing God's people could see on earth would ruin Heaven for us. Our happiness in Heaven will not be based on ignorance but on perspective.
We should be encouraged that our loved ones who are with Christ are not in a state of ignorance, but are vitally interested in God's Kingdom on earth. It's likely they cheer us on in our service of the King. Hebrews12:1 says, "we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witness." This suggests crowds gathered in a stadium to watch the athletes on the pitch below.
The departing of believing loved ones is not end of our relationship with them, because we know where they are. They are experiencing the joy of Christ's presence in a place so wonderful that Christ called it Paradise. And one day, we're told, we'll be brought back together in a magnificent reunion to "be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words" (1 Thessalonians 4:17-18).



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