Will there be marriage and family in heaven?

Jesus said that resurrected people would not be married (Matthew 22:30). Yet the Bible makes it clear that there will be marriage in heaven. There will be one marriage, between Christ and His bride.
People long for a perfect marriage. That's exactly what people have- a perfect marriage with Christ.
Your spouse should be your best friend and closet brother or sister in Christ. When you see your believing spouse goes to heaven. Do you think that you will say: "Did you used to be my wife or husband? Didn't we have children? Think they'll remember me?"
The notion that we would not remember our closet earthly relationships is absurd. It suggests our daily earthly lives and relationships are of no eternal consequence, while the Bible teaches the opposite. Jesus said the institute of human marriage would end, having fulfilled its purpose to anticipate and reflect the marriage of Christ and His bride (Ephesians 5:23-32). But he did not say or imply that the deep relationships built between married couples would end. In fact, believing couples rejoice that they will be together be part of a perfect marriage in Christ.
God is our Father, everyone that has truly repented and follow Jesus, they are God's children and they are each other's brothers and sisters. They are Christ's bride and He is their husband.
So the believer will have marriage and family in heaven. Those to whom they were closet on earth-including in many cases our their earthly family-will naturally comprise the core relationships they begin with in heaven. From there they will work outward, developing new friendships without ever losing the old ones.
Heaven is where the believer's family and best friends that were believers. Friendships in heaven will include many people that they never knew on earth. The relationships with the believers with other believers will be better. Heaven is a place of gain, not lost. 


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