Will we be reunited with and recognized our loved ones in heaven?

Being with Christ will be the greatest joy of heaven. The next greatest joy will be reuniting with our loved ones who have died. The certainty of the ultimate reunion is so sweet that it makes the parting bearable.
The Bible nowhere suggests a "memory wipe" causing us not to recognize family and friends. In fact, if we wouldn't know our loved ones, the "comfort" of an afterlife reunion, spoken of in 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18, would be no comfort at all. Theologian J. C. Ryle said of this passage, "There would be no point in these words of consolation if they didn't imply the mutual recognition of saints. The hope with which he cheers wearied Christians is the hope of meeting their beloved friends again.... In the moment that we who are saved shall meet our several friends in heaven, we shall at once know them and they will at once know us."
At the Transfiguration, the three disciples recognized Moses and Elijah, even though they weren't told who the two men were, and they couldn't have previously known what they looked like (Matthew 17:1-4) . This may suggest that we will instantly recognize people we know of but have not previously met, perhaps as a result of distinguishes characteristics emanating through their physical appearance. If we will recognize people we haven't known on earth, surely we will recognize people we have known!
Christ's followers will have the privilege of eventually meeting every follower of God who ever lived. What a great adventure it will be to worshipful inhabit and explore the New Earth and new universe, together with old friends and new ones.


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