Before greatness

We talk about greatness and we bow before the great people. We go to Netflix and many people will make Hollywood stars as gods. The media will make these stars as immortal. I believe that the stars of Hollywood as people like us.

I grew up as an sports fan. Much of the culture will make an athlete as an greek god. Every society will worship great athletes. They will get old and become like any man.

We need to bow before greatness. Jesus is great because He is God. I wonder why people in general do not see the greatness of Jesus up this earth. It is called sin and in heaven there is no sin.

The Bible give us glimpse of heaven. The true followers of Jesus will be in heaven because they want to honor and follow Jesus. I will go over Revelation 4:9-11.

I can't fathom how great the Lord is. I will begin with Revelation 4:9-10. It says, "Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say."

If we read the fourth chapter of the book of Revelation. We see that the living creatures gives honor to the Lord. Heaven is a place where God is honored. This earth is full of sin so we only get an glimpse of true worship.

There in the Revelation 4:10, it talks about the twenty-four elders. The living creatures will give praise to the Lord and these twenty-four elders desire to praise the Lord, too.

I do not know who are the twenty-four elders but they are in love with God. God has given them crowns. God does not have to give them crowns because God is only worthy of an crown.
God is merciful and wants an relationship with mankind.

We are sinners that deserve hell. One sin leads us to hell. Jesus is God, he came to this world as an man. God used Mary to bring Jesus into this world. Jesus was born of an virgin. Jesus grew up and became an man. He lived an perfect life and died on the cross. He was the perfect sacrifice for our sins.

He arose from the dead. If an person believes and repents from their sins. That person will go to heaven and honor the Lord.

Every redeemed person will agree with Revelation 4:11. It says, "You are worthy our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being."

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