Will Covid lead to this?

I hope that you will find this blog interesting. Are people going to fall for a murderous leader and why?
You will say never to me but are you sure about that?

I will start with Revelation 13:8-10 says, "All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast- all whose names have not been written in the Lamb's book of life, the the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.  Whoever has ears, let him hear. 'If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If anyone is killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed.' This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God's people."

The world is in a state called "Beyond Jesus". This means that they are smarter than Jesus and have no need for Him. The world will make political decisions and decisions in life without Jesus. Jesus is in heaven trying to draw the world, but they refuse to hear. So God will bring a murderous leader for the world to make a mess.

This ruler is bad but the world will follow their lust. He will be "Beyond Jesus" and the world will not care. The next question is this. How will the world follow this bad dude? If you look around, we have something called Covid. The world is currently shutdown, and people want to return to normal. If you are reading this, do people want normal?

I am not saying this will happen but go with me on this idea. If the Covid vaccine will cause normal, a person could make everyone take these vaccines. The governments could  force people to take the vaccine or they can't travel or buy items. 

I will talk about governments making people can't travel without taking the Covid vaccine. They will set up a platform for the Anti-Christ  to take over the world's system. And he is a bad dude.

I will talk about not being able to buy items. Amazon could make sure that you need proof that you got the Covid vaccine or you can't do business with them. And other companies could follow after Amazon. Then the Anti-Christ could take over the system because he will be smooth.

Revelation 13:8-10 is during the time when the church is raptured from this earth. The people that will remain on the earth will be the people that didn't have Jesus. You don't want to be on earth during this time period. There will be people that will follow Jesus after the Rapture but they will be hunted and killed by the Anti-Christ.  Here are some words about people being left behind:

Life was filled with guns and war
And everyone got trampled on the floor
I wish we'd all been ready
Children died the days grew cold
A piece of bread could buy a bag of gold
I wish we'd all been ready
There's no time to change your mind
The son has come and you've been left behind
A man and wife asleep in bed
She hears a noise and turns her head
He's gone
I wish we'd all been ready
Two men walking up a hill
One disappears and one's left standing still
I wish we'd all been ready
There's no time to change your mind
The Son has come and you've been left behind
Life was filled with guns and war
And everyone got trampled on the floor
I wish we'd all been ready
Children died the days grew cold
A piece of bread could buy a bag of gold
I wish we'd all been ready
There's no time to change your mind
How could you have been so blind
The Father spoke the demons dined
The Son has come and you've been left behind
You've been left behind
You've been left behind


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