A kind word goes a long ways

I was at work and a person said something hard to me. I had two options that I could have done, I could have responded in kindness or in anger.
The average person would have talked back in anger but that is not right. The issue that we all have a sinful nature. Adam ate the fruit so mankind will do the wrong thing.
Christ came into this world and if a person accept Jesus then God will be in that person life.
I have accepted Jesus in my life so I have the Holy Spirit.
I treated the person that we was rude with respect because God put it on my heart to honor him.
We must start and end the day with honoring the Lord with how we treat others.
I am not perfect but this example is proof that Christ can change a person.
The verse of the day is Proverbs 15:1. Proverbs 15:1 says, "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."


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