Enjoy everything that you do

I was thinking about this topic. Do what you please and please God. That is an heavy topic.
When a person thinks about giving effort to God means to do spiritual work for God.
It can means so much more than that.
I am a random planning so I will be going a soccer match. I can give God honor by being a good friend with the person that I am with. I can give God honor when I am not a jerk or swear at the game because many people will do dumb things at the game.
If you can't do something without giving honor to God then a person should not do that thing.
I can make a list but I will pray that God will guide you in this life.
I will give God honor when I will see a soccer match because my friendship with others are growing.
I believe that the church can only think that happens in spiritual things but a sporting event can bond people. A believer can influence a person that don't have Jesus without talking about the Bible.
A Christian should share the gospel in the proper time and a time to build relationship with people.

1 Corinthians 10:31

 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.


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