
Showing posts from August, 2017

Heaven, Will Heaven (the New Earth) Be an Actual Place?

Jesus told his disciples, "I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am" (John 14:3). He uses spatial terms to describe Heaven. The word where refers to a location. Likewise, the phrase "come back and take you" indicates movement and a physical destination. If Heaven isn't a place, in the full sense of the word, would Jesus have said it was? If we reduce Heaven to something less than or other than a place, we strip Christ's words of their meaning. We do not long for a non-body, non-Earth and non-culture but for a new body, New Earth, and new culture, without sin and death. This is all part of longing for the resurrection of the dead, which is at the heart and soul of the Christian faith (1 Corinthians 15). Jesus said to his disciples, "At the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel"  (Matthe

Heaven, The Present Heaven and Future Heaven

What we ponder of the word Heaven is what theologians call the intermediate Heaven. For Born Agains, it's where we go when when we die. It's the place we'll live until our bodily resurrection. Our Christians loved ones who've died are now in this present, intermediate Heaven. (This is not the same as purgatory, which is not a biblical concept. The Bible teaches that Christ paid the complete price for our atonement, and thus we can do nothing to add to it.) The Heaven we go to when we die is place without suffering, but it is not the place where we'll live forever. Our eternal home, where God will come down to dwell among his people, is called the New Earth (Revelation 21:1). At the culmination of human history, we're told in reference to the New Earth, "The dwelling of God {will be} with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people and God himself will be with them and be their God" (Revelation 21:3). Since Heaven is, by definition, God

Heaven, Series to change our thoughts

I will be honest. I am tired of this world and I long for a perfect place. I will do a many part series on the topic of heaven according to the Bible. Maybe you feel as if you're passed your peak, physically or emotionally and that your best opportunities are behind you. Perhaps you're burdened, discouraged, depressed or even traumatized. Perhaps your dreams-your marriage, career or ambitions-have crumbled. Perhaps you're become cynical or have lost hope. An understanding of the true Christian teaching about Heaven (not the popular caricatures of Heaven) can change all that. God's people in ages past had a source of strength and perspective largely unknown to us today: Heaven. It was their central reference point, the North Star by which they could navigate their lives. But in contemporary culture, Heaven has fallen off our radar screens. "Whenever I think about Heaven," a man said to me, "it makes me depressed. I'd rather just not cease to exist

Lack of commitment because of divorce

There are a big problem that I hear from my single friends and it is a lack of commitment. I think that there are a few reasons why but I will talk about the big one. The big one is caused by the big amount of divorce. The children of divorced parents have a bad taste towards marriage because they never saw what marriage was all about so people don't date or they date and just live together. I can speak from experience. My Mom and Dad got an divorce and it made me think that marriage was when a man mistreat a woman. I know marriage is good thing but in the back of my mind, I think that my wife would be like my Dad so don't bother. I will say this, if I ever marry. The girl needs to be just a friend for awhile then maybe I go on a date. It will be a long process. Many men and women say that they are many Peter Pans now. I think that many people are in my boat. I need to say this point. When the parents of children get a divorce, it will damage the children. It is self-ce

My first blog on sports

I have never wrote a sports blog but I am beginning to do so. I will write about the Seattle Seahawks. I don't claim to be a fan because I don't want to like a team because they are good. I will call myself a fan if I like the Seahawks if they bad. Enough said. The fans of Seahawks think the team needed to signed some good offensive line players or through the NFL draft. Seattle has a quarterback that could make it to the hall of fame and the fans believe that the O-line can't block. The team used a former basketball that have only played football for a few years. The big issue that every team in the NFL has this problem, they are a lack of O-line players. The fans needs to know Seahawks are doing their best, every team has issues on the O-line.

Friendship and wisdom

This is a huge topic and I will talk about my life. I try to base my life on the Bible and I ask the Lord to lead me. So I will go deep and talk about applying the Bible. I don't think that I am expect on this topic because I don't feel a connect with people. I will do my best explaining this topic with the help of God. We need to be careful about who we have as closet friends. Proverbs 12:26 says, " The righteous should choose his friends carefully, For the way of the wicked leads them astray." If you are a believer in Jesus, you need to be careful. This goes with a person you just met or dating to marriage. The people around you will influence you so your close friends even more. I would say be wise around the people that you don't know. You need to ask the Lord to lead you and He will. There are many gossips are there so you don't want to share your life with people like that. Proverbs 11:13 says, " A gossip goes around telling secrets, but thos