Can those in the present heaven see what's happening on earth?

The answer is yes, at least to some extent. The martyrs, after they are in Heaven, call out, "How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?" (Revelation 6:9-11).
Clearly, these people in heaven not only remember what happened to them on earth, but they also know that God hasn't yet brought judgement on their persecutors.   They know something of what happened, and what has not happened, on earth since they died. Doesn't that suggest they can see events on earth?
When Babylon is brought down, an angel points to what is happening on earth and says, "Rejoice over her, O heaven! Rejoice, saints and apostles and prophets! God has judged her for the way she treated you" (Revelation 18:20). The fact that he specifically addresses people living in heaven indicates they're aware of what's happening om earth.
When heaven's saint return with Christ to set up his millennial kingdom (Revelation 19:11-14), it seems unthinkable to image they would have remained ignorant of the culmination of human history taking place om earth The picture of saints in heaven blissfully unaware of what is transpiring on earth is baseless. After all, God and his angels and the saints themselves are about to return for the ultimate battle in the history of the universe, after which Christ will be crowned king. Those on earth may be ignorant of heaven, but those in heaven are not ignorant of earth. Of course, in the eternal state we will not merely see what is happening on earth, but we will live out our daily lives on the New Earth!    


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