
Showing posts from July, 2017

It is important to be others centered

I believe that it is important to be others centered. I am a guy and I see many men that only think about themselves (I can't speak for women because I am not one). I want to be different from the normal guy. If I live with someone, I will do my fair share of things. I like to two or three things when I get home because it shows love to the people that I live with. I believe Christ would want every believer to have joy (Jesus, others, yourself). I have not arrived but I long to get there. If there is a home improvement, I like to help out because I am not handy. Plus, the most important idea is that I am showing love the the person that I am helping out and I hope that God is honored. Matthew 5:16   Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Chester Bennington, myself and suicide

I will go really deep into a personal event in my life. I will go on a detour so I will be talking about Chester Bennington, the great singer from Linkin Park. He killed himself and I don't know the reason for this action in his life. I hoped that he knew the Lord Jesus. I could have been Chester Bennington when I was in my teenager years. I know the feeling of being hopeless. I had no friends and no hope in life. I was a big time loner. My father caused hurt in my life and my parents were going through a divorce and my mom was moving to Seattle. I felt a deep sadness and felt life was pointless and I give up on life. I told my mom that I wanted to end my life and she sent me to a teen help clinic for a month and I missed a couple weeks of school. I was away from a month and a half. I saw teenagers more messed up then me. I thought about how selfish that I would be if I would killed myself. I wanted to kill the sorrow that was in my soul. I thought suicide was the way out but I

Enjoy everything that you do

I was thinking about this topic. Do what you please and please God. That is an heavy topic. When a person thinks about giving effort to God means to do spiritual work for God. It can means so much more than that. I am a random planning so I will be going a soccer match. I can give God honor by being a good friend with the person that I am with. I can give God honor when I am not a jerk or swear at the game because many people will do dumb things at the game. If you can't do something without giving honor to God then a person should not do that thing. I can make a list but I will pray that God will guide you in this life. I will give God honor when I will see a soccer match because my friendship with others are growing. I believe that the church can only think that happens in spiritual things but a sporting event can bond people. A believer can influence a person that don't have Jesus without talking about the Bible. A Christian should share the gospel in the proper time

Better with age

I love it when someone in there 20's say that they don't want to 40 years old because they need a walker. I think that life begins in their 40's, I am living proof of this. I will be honest, I have lost some of my hair but I have kept my fitness. I gained a little weight in my 30's but I desired to get back at my 20's weight and build and I did it with the help of the Lord. The older a person gets, they need to watch what they eat but that makes a person more healthy. I am eating really healthy now and I feel that I am in my 20's. I have became a listener and I am a better friend. I was a bad listener when I was younger but God has helped me to be an okay listener. I have the best job that I ever had and I am a better worker than when I was in my 20's. God will change a person morals so they will have work ethic. I am a late bloomer in many social areas of life. I was really a big loner in my 20's and a little rough in the social scene. If you thi

Death and sadness

I was reading the Bible and I read Psalm 116:5. The verse says, " Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." In heaven, I will be whole and healed from the hurt that occurred in this life. When a beloved family member or close friend that honored Jesus dies, I cry because I miss them. But I know that they are in good hands. I am crying as I am writing this story. No one was escape death and we either go to heaven or hell. I cry when I think that my mother and father will die one day. I love my mom with all my heart and I am beginning to love my father. Death is so cruel. I can image that all my friends and family be dead and I will be all alone because of death. I can image that in my life. But I know even if that happens, the Lord is waiting for me to graduate from this test in this life. I have made an decision for Jesus. I don't want people to cry when I die because I am in a perfect place where my head is right. I know that some people that

Insecurities and freedom

I will say this about everyone, we all have insecurities. I have a lot of insecurities and we all must give it to the Lord. Romans 12:1-2, " Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." I can get wrapped up in my insecurities and forget about the will of the Lord in my life. If I am so focused on my so called superficial imperfection then I can't serve the Lord. I will share a few insecurities with you. I have a sort of filter but I need to express myself. Many times, I feel that people don't like me because of this idea. I don't know if you know what I am talking about but if you do then I will say this. We need to give that insecurities t