Are you lonely?
I think the culture have a lot of lonely people so we look to others to satisfy our feelings. There is nothing wrong with dating, marriage or friendship but we forget about the Lord. Hebrews 13:5 says, " I will never leave you or abandon you." We need to talk to the Lord and follow him. I will get personal now. I can't explain it other then this way. When I lay on my bed, I want to talk to someone. So I talk to God because I have no one to talk to. I believe that many people neglect that. I can feel alone when I am with other people. There is a gospel singer called Rich Mullins that said that he felt lonely and it was okay. Instead of talking to people, I will read the book of Psalms. King David wrote love songs to God and it showed the desire of the Lord in music and words. I feel lonely a lot of times so I write love songs to God. No person can cure my condition only Jesus. There are many times that I go to Mariner's game by myself and I am okay with that beca...